AJ Menu Solutions


Self Management
Self-management services to maintain healthy nutrition and personal shopping services to improve the quality of clients’ daily lives
Menu Development
Innovative menu rotation meeting all dietary requirements within a budget and menu consulting for all types of diets and nutrition restrictions
Procurement & Recipes
Menu consulting for all types of diets and nutrition restrictions, procurement tips, controlling inventory and staff training and waste control
Safe food handlers certification using nationally and locally approved training provider TrainCan Inc.
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Join me in Halifax this June

I will be at the CSNM Convention in Halifax from June 12th to 14th. Come join me and register today. https://bondexec.eventsair.com/csnm2024/.

I am looking forward to speaking with my colleagues at 3:30 PM on June 13th and at 8:45 AM on June 14th during the convention in the session titled ‘The Use of Simulation (SIM) in Training to Improve Outcomes for your Team’.

We will present a SIM of a high-stake situation for training dietary aides/food service workers.

A SIM is a form of experiential learning, where learners participate in planned educational activities that mimic ‘real-life’ situations followed by guided reflection.

Outline for Presentation:
¨ Explanation of SIM
¨ Proof of SIM as a best practice for training
¨ Presentation of a SIM
¨ Roundtable reflection of using SIM in the workplace